Sunday, December 28, 2014

2015 & How to deal with expectations

I'm sitting beside an open window puffing on my wooden e-cigar blowing patterned whisps of menthol about the room.  Louis Armstrong's scratchy "Thanks a Million" is playing in the background serenading my crisp Sunday afternoon.

Candid summer photo. A moment fondly remembered.
We all look back to the year that has freshly passed and contemplate whether we've accomplished what we hoped to.  I've been looking back recently and what I find myself focusing on, is the wonderful events that took place.  There have been new additions to my close circle of friends, hilarious comedic moments and even unexpected warm snuggles from a new special person in my life.  Trying to predict or control these moments has always been a mental struggle for me.  I want to control my surroundings at all times. I want to know what will happen later in my day, and it can easily bring anxiety to the forefront of my thoughts.

Here's the punchline. It's impossible.  You can't control every variable in a day.  Let's set the bar at a classy 50% split of control. Fair? There's traffic, other peoples' opinions, wants and needs, weather, finances and a trillion other possible factors. Like that silly patch of ice you didn't see while you were balancing 9 grocery bags in an attempt to do one trip from the car.
Accepting the natural variances in your day is key to releasing a little tension.  Let it go. Tomorrow is another day, and yesterday is unchangeable. Tomorrow, by the way, will always be tomorrow. You can discuss the future all you want, but it doesn't make you more productive and there will always be another "tomorrow".  There is only one version of "now". It just happened, and is happening again while you're reading this.  If we can all enjoy the moment we're currently in, I think our day will begin to iron itself out over time.  That being said, thank you for reading this right now and taking the time to spend a little downtime on my blog.  I hope there is something to be taken from my future posts that will enrich your life.

Happy 2014, and to a happier 2015.


  1. I'm with you Aunt Sanity! We all have a life to live! Let's live it!

  2. I'm glad that you have accepted the fact that you cannot get everything you want, particularly the power to control all the things around you. It may be difficult to do, but atleast you are trying. Maybe, the e-cigarette, plus unwinding really helped you get through it. In any way, thanks for sharing that, Jerry! Kudos and all the best to you! :)

    Lucia Malone @ Carolina Vapor Mill


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