Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 is shaping up to be fantastic already. I'm too excited for exclamation marks even.  Since you've taken the time to read this, I won't disappoint you today.  This photo is how I'm capturing the vlogs you see on my YouTube channel "jubajer" which is more easily found by searching "Jerry Arbs".  Using a Shure condenser mic, Canon EOS 550D, lots of lights and some small tricks in studio, I plan to further boost my quality in the next video posted this Thursday.  I also plan on a short Photoshop tutorial video, introducing newer users to the basics of how to navigate through the application and also how to create and use layers, and masks within those layers for some awesome effects.  I do have one other video to post, but I don't quite know if it's something for YouTube.  I'd like my viewers to see consistency through my videos, and by that I mean good production quality, not handheld junk, but this seems worthy of a good listen.  Anyhow, if you have questions, ask away. If you have snacks, come on by.
Canon EOS 550D on my Manfrotto along with my Shure PG27 Condenser Mic.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

So I'm back at it, and glad to be.  Being able to look out and know I'm speaking to anyone in the world who may be listening, is awesome.  I recently saw that I had one individual view from Kazakhstan, which even just as ONE view, made my day.  Now posting a vlog every thursday with a better set up, more crisp image and an all-round better clearer mind set is very exciting. I hope the viewers enjoy what is happening in 2012!

Check out the video from above here --->  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXOWQCDssSU

Saturday, January 14, 2012


There's the link to the new Boss 302 video posted today! Been lots of editing hours into this project and hope to get a lot of feedback from everyone!  Lots of projects in the works for 2012 and they're well on their way as you read this.  Show your friends. Show your wife, your kids and even your husband. I'm showin' everybody up in here. 

Blogger news