Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A little Short for Spring

I took a vote online to see what people enjoyed seeing me create, and with the results, created this film style short! Hope you enjoy, it took about 2 hours of frantic shooting and about 5 hours of editing. The video wasn't too difficult, but the audio was a very intricate journey. :P Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think! Click the "More info" button to subscribe as the shorts get more and more fun! Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Canadian International Auto Show

So the trip to Toronto was fantastic!  Even with my car being destroyed just days before, the rental got me there and back (although absolutely horrible on gas) without issues!  Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the trip!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Upgrade time. Phase 2.

So it's time. Time for what? Time to get a new PC.  I just can't pump out the material I want to with the speed of this li'l guy. So I plan a new PC to edit MUCH faster.  If anyone is interested in any of the details of what I use or what I plan to buy, this is the place to do it. I don't post much on other media sites about my gear.  Anywhoo, my trip to Toronto for the Auto show was fantastic. Spent some great time with my Bro, and enjoyed the cars on display. I love cars.  And bikes. Bikes more. :P  Here's a little screenshot of how the editing looks for the auto show video. :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

By request from jmahundi,TheKramer1985 & GM6589, I uploaded this here balance test for both the GoPro Hero 2 and specifically a Canon Rebel t3i with the Glide Gear Stabilizer. GM6589, unfortunately because of our short days here in Canada at this point, a running/stair shot wasn't added, but is exampled in the next uploaded video!

Monday, March 5, 2012

So today was a great day for creativity.  After shopping with my new YouTube Accomplice and finding all sorts of fantastic props and items, I came back to shoot a short demo of using the Glide Gear stabilizer.  People had requests, and as promised, I've got the answers to the questions. I love the interactivity between the viewers!!  Also, while looking around, saw an opportunity to turn my cellphone camera into a super wide angle shot, seen below. :P  Please comment below here if you're reading. I always enjoy the feedback!

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