Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Taken by Alysha on the newly renovated Lilly Creek
Boardwalk. I've always enjoyed the concept of "out of place"
or desolation in my photography and will hopefully get further
immersed with it in the future.
Holy absence of everything.  I clicked on Blogger like an old friend and realized I hadn't posted a single thing here in a century. Why not?  The chances are still good that people will come here, but at the same time, I can't post everything everywhere right?  In the same sense, you can't possibly read everything I write everywhere on the internet. If you're superman and can slow down time, possibly.

I hope you like this interesting variation of my Facebook cover photo that was taken the same day by Alysha.  She did her own spin on things and I think it's excellent.  A different eye sees different things!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Photo Restoration (1910)

Take a peek at my restoration of this very vintage photo from 1910! I really enjoyed doing this photo because of it's age, and really thank Richard for bringing it in. It was a project for his mother, who's dad was in the photo on the right. Richards Grandfather would have been 9 in that photo, and he was born in 1901.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

GTD Wireless Unit Review

A simple test to show people how one of the best priced wireless systems really performs excellently! I noticed that this specific unit has an issue with one channel, and GTD simply said to send them the faulty unit for a repair. No questions asked. That's enough to keep me content. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A little Short for Spring

I took a vote online to see what people enjoyed seeing me create, and with the results, created this film style short! Hope you enjoy, it took about 2 hours of frantic shooting and about 5 hours of editing. The video wasn't too difficult, but the audio was a very intricate journey. :P Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think! Click the "More info" button to subscribe as the shorts get more and more fun! Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Canadian International Auto Show

So the trip to Toronto was fantastic!  Even with my car being destroyed just days before, the rental got me there and back (although absolutely horrible on gas) without issues!  Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the trip!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Upgrade time. Phase 2.

So it's time. Time for what? Time to get a new PC.  I just can't pump out the material I want to with the speed of this li'l guy. So I plan a new PC to edit MUCH faster.  If anyone is interested in any of the details of what I use or what I plan to buy, this is the place to do it. I don't post much on other media sites about my gear.  Anywhoo, my trip to Toronto for the Auto show was fantastic. Spent some great time with my Bro, and enjoyed the cars on display. I love cars.  And bikes. Bikes more. :P  Here's a little screenshot of how the editing looks for the auto show video. :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

By request from jmahundi,TheKramer1985 & GM6589, I uploaded this here balance test for both the GoPro Hero 2 and specifically a Canon Rebel t3i with the Glide Gear Stabilizer. GM6589, unfortunately because of our short days here in Canada at this point, a running/stair shot wasn't added, but is exampled in the next uploaded video!

Monday, March 5, 2012

So today was a great day for creativity.  After shopping with my new YouTube Accomplice and finding all sorts of fantastic props and items, I came back to shoot a short demo of using the Glide Gear stabilizer.  People had requests, and as promised, I've got the answers to the questions. I love the interactivity between the viewers!!  Also, while looking around, saw an opportunity to turn my cellphone camera into a super wide angle shot, seen below. :P  Please comment below here if you're reading. I always enjoy the feedback!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jump in bed with Jerry

So it's not often that you'll see me in bed, but I had a great discussion with my mum about how cool it was in the mornings to wake up as my brothers and myself. I think there's no better way, and I'm trying to figure out how to do it now being in my 20's. We'll see! I've got lots of great footage from my behind the scenes that only YOU will see on this site vs YouTube. The link will be private unless you get it here. One of the perks to paying attention. ;) I'm putting a lot together, so don't forget to subscribe to the Channel as well! We're only heating up!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Because of a small bump in life, I didn't get a chance to make my weekly video blog, but did make this review of the Glide Gear stabilizer which I'm very pleased with. It took no time at all to get here from the U.S., and the product works perfectly for the small price! Check out the video!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So, after discovering how to make an iframe within my web page, you no longer have to click a link. You can now watch the video here on my site!  Feel free to click the "Youtube" button on the player to get to the regular videos, and click my name in the video to subscribe if you like what you watched. :)  I hope you enjoy the more personal me.

Also, if you'd like to just go to the YouTube page, it's here. --> >>>Click me<<<

Monday, February 6, 2012

Special Personal Notes

Caught writing ideas in the early A.m.
     For those of you that come to this page, I intend it to be a much more in depth look at ideas and behind the scene info.  Obviously putting names and faces within these pages would be a little intrusive for the daily people in my life, but I'll do my best!  For some, it may be interesting. For others, not at all.  For today? Big news. I made the most unreal contact last night with a complete stranger that will probably change my life, and the way I look at people.  If I had the ability to integrate this person into my daily life, I'd probably have some very interesting stories come from it.  We may have nothing in common and yet already I almost feel like I'm looking in a mirror.  We've never even met in person, but no worries, I'm not going down a dark alleyway to say hello.  ha ha.

So I hope the Photoshop tutorials take off, being of a rather original nature from what I've seen.  I don't currently have big views on my most current videos which is working perfectly with my big plan for stardom. ;) haha.  With this, people wishing to understand Photoshop and how to do very specific things within it is possible without just being entered into the wash of comments with big channel users.  I'm going to create a Gmail addy for people to send me their OWN photos to have featured as the one on my channel being worked upon.  I think this will be fun for both the viewer and myself.  They can literally follow the video and re-create the work I've done in their own home.

Alysha looking at the surroundings for interesting ideas
For those that have asked who the "brunette" is, in my photographs, her name is Alysha Lewis.  She's the one fire breathing and a few others in my photo streams.  She herself is quite the photographer as well, which is rare to see someone to content on both sides of the camera.  She has a great eye and ridiculous "solo" skills.  By that I mean, her photograph "Bones" and many others on her account was taken by herself, alone.  That's skill.  I can't imagine framing up a photo that well by myself.  She's well on her way to being recognized as a fantastic & creative photographer.

This would be a dream.
   This has been a large topic on my mind lately.  I need more space.  I've made due with the amount I have for the time being, but I'm on the search for an affordable studio apartment.  It's always been a dream.  If you're from the area, by all means, fill me in. :P  I've always been about high production value but it's usually done with less than minimal resource.  No complaints mind you, I like to keep my feet planted on the ground, and be realistic about the needs vs. wants in life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The new Thursday Vblog is up on my channel. A little too much energy today, had a lot of split editing to do to shorten it up. :P  Hope you enjoy!


Setting up the GoPro for behind the scenes action

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 is shaping up to be fantastic already. I'm too excited for exclamation marks even.  Since you've taken the time to read this, I won't disappoint you today.  This photo is how I'm capturing the vlogs you see on my YouTube channel "jubajer" which is more easily found by searching "Jerry Arbs".  Using a Shure condenser mic, Canon EOS 550D, lots of lights and some small tricks in studio, I plan to further boost my quality in the next video posted this Thursday.  I also plan on a short Photoshop tutorial video, introducing newer users to the basics of how to navigate through the application and also how to create and use layers, and masks within those layers for some awesome effects.  I do have one other video to post, but I don't quite know if it's something for YouTube.  I'd like my viewers to see consistency through my videos, and by that I mean good production quality, not handheld junk, but this seems worthy of a good listen.  Anyhow, if you have questions, ask away. If you have snacks, come on by.
Canon EOS 550D on my Manfrotto along with my Shure PG27 Condenser Mic.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

So I'm back at it, and glad to be.  Being able to look out and know I'm speaking to anyone in the world who may be listening, is awesome.  I recently saw that I had one individual view from Kazakhstan, which even just as ONE view, made my day.  Now posting a vlog every thursday with a better set up, more crisp image and an all-round better clearer mind set is very exciting. I hope the viewers enjoy what is happening in 2012!

Check out the video from above here --->

Saturday, January 14, 2012

There's the link to the new Boss 302 video posted today! Been lots of editing hours into this project and hope to get a lot of feedback from everyone!  Lots of projects in the works for 2012 and they're well on their way as you read this.  Show your friends. Show your wife, your kids and even your husband. I'm showin' everybody up in here. 

Blogger news