Monday, February 6, 2012

Special Personal Notes

Caught writing ideas in the early A.m.
     For those of you that come to this page, I intend it to be a much more in depth look at ideas and behind the scene info.  Obviously putting names and faces within these pages would be a little intrusive for the daily people in my life, but I'll do my best!  For some, it may be interesting. For others, not at all.  For today? Big news. I made the most unreal contact last night with a complete stranger that will probably change my life, and the way I look at people.  If I had the ability to integrate this person into my daily life, I'd probably have some very interesting stories come from it.  We may have nothing in common and yet already I almost feel like I'm looking in a mirror.  We've never even met in person, but no worries, I'm not going down a dark alleyway to say hello.  ha ha.

So I hope the Photoshop tutorials take off, being of a rather original nature from what I've seen.  I don't currently have big views on my most current videos which is working perfectly with my big plan for stardom. ;) haha.  With this, people wishing to understand Photoshop and how to do very specific things within it is possible without just being entered into the wash of comments with big channel users.  I'm going to create a Gmail addy for people to send me their OWN photos to have featured as the one on my channel being worked upon.  I think this will be fun for both the viewer and myself.  They can literally follow the video and re-create the work I've done in their own home.

Alysha looking at the surroundings for interesting ideas
For those that have asked who the "brunette" is, in my photographs, her name is Alysha Lewis.  She's the one fire breathing and a few others in my photo streams.  She herself is quite the photographer as well, which is rare to see someone to content on both sides of the camera.  She has a great eye and ridiculous "solo" skills.  By that I mean, her photograph "Bones" and many others on her account was taken by herself, alone.  That's skill.  I can't imagine framing up a photo that well by myself.  She's well on her way to being recognized as a fantastic & creative photographer.

This would be a dream.
   This has been a large topic on my mind lately.  I need more space.  I've made due with the amount I have for the time being, but I'm on the search for an affordable studio apartment.  It's always been a dream.  If you're from the area, by all means, fill me in. :P  I've always been about high production value but it's usually done with less than minimal resource.  No complaints mind you, I like to keep my feet planted on the ground, and be realistic about the needs vs. wants in life.

1 comment:

  1. That room PHOTO (This would be a dream.) is like My dream Apt- cozy, old/vintage-refurbished, Brick walls, exposed beams, less carpet, simple useful furniture. You are a fascinating man, Jerry Arbs!


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